Monday, November 23, 2015

Under a Week to GO!!!!!

So I am 39 weeks and have least then a week till my due date. I am more than excited and anxiuos for this baby to be here already.

Problems/ Issues: Heartburn....its back. Last week and this have not been the best as far as heart burn goes. Its been pretty painful but at least its not everyday but when it does hit its bad. Goin pain? I dont know what to really call it but the baby either hits or cuts off a nerve that runs down my upper front thigh. I am pretty sure its the femoral nerve, i think i talked about it last time but he also found my siatic nerve too and that fun through ur butt/hip. That doesn't feel fun. At first when he found these things it was just little sharp pain that would go away quick and stop if i sat down but now its very sharp pain that sometimes last and he does it coninuasly and it stops my in my tracks. I have to sit to make it go away and sometimes he doesnt stop. I think he is just bigger and stronger so its more painful. I have sore breast. At the beginning of pregancy I experienced this for a couple weeks and its back. i would suspect it would be but man i didnt miss it. They are getting ready for feeding time. Also I have been getting morning sickness. I didnt really have this too much at the beginning of pregancy or at all throughout but man I wake up and toss and turn with an upset stomach. It comes in waves. I feel sick like i have to go to the bathroom or I will feel nasuas or i will feel hungry but i know i am not. ITs weird. I have been having horrible gas this week too like at he beginning of pregnacy. Like all these symptoms have come back from the first couple of weeks being pregant. Oh yeah let not talk about being pretty swollen and not my feet. We are talking about my lady parts. TMI but hey its part of pregnancy. I have been more emotional this week too. Sunday i was a mess i bried at everything and not just teared up, like full on balled. Same on Wednesday. Its been a stressful week as is and then add on hormones ruin thorugh ur viens. Wow i can really tell the differece. I think to myself why did i just get so upset about that but at the moment it was a huge deal. Its like i am not myself and i am crazy at that certian moment. Poor norris has gotten the brunt of it and next my mom. I have felt more tired this week and more achey. lots of changes i know.

Doctors: Last week the doctor checked me and i was 1 cm dialated and 50% effected. My doctor checked today and i was....

Movements: Not really all over the place but definatly large and in charge. He moves and its big moements. To me he had like gottten lots bigger.

Food: I crave cereal. I think mainly b/c its easiest.

Exercise: definatly slowed down this week. I am way to tired to get up in the morning and go to my ready 8:30 am classes so I would sleep and then miss the class and the next classes wouldnt really work for me and my capablities so I would just walk or get on the elipital. Mainly b/c my calves are to sore from water a huge hill 1 and a half times at the beginning of the week to try to get some contractions going but nothing. I did hit the gym hard one day this week in hopes for some contractions after but Nothing!!!! man its hard.

Thoughts: I am not over being pregant from a physical stand point but I am over being pregant from an emotional stand point, if that makes any sense. These days i really dont make sense. It amaxing me that people still ask me to remember or memories things. When they tell me it goes in one ear and out the other, not by choice. It take a whole lots of energy to consintrate. I am not exagerating. Back to the first statement: OVer the emotion part of pregagncy. I am so tired of waiting and worriing about how the labor and delivery is going to go. Seriously its such high anxitey that i cant even think about it else I am up half the night worring and no sleep. I just keep telling myself that I and the baby will be ok and its going to go the way its suppose to and I cant do anyhting about it. I cant plan it out like I want. I cant plan eveyrhting out in life and I especially have to tell myself that in this situation. Its been a stressfully week and i am glad its coming to an end. I really hope this baby comes sooner then later b/c I dont know how much for torutre of WAITING I can handle. I am starting to freak that he is going to be too big. All this time before I havent felt like he is too big but now i am starting to think he is getting so much bigger and if he doesnt come out soon he will just get BIGGER! One more think that is driving me crazy. Everyone ok not everyone but people need to realize that its enough pressure on the women already to have this baby she doesnt need more PRESSURE from anymore. Dont say, you have to have this baby.....or when are u going to have him. Its freakin not up to me. I cant NOT do anything about it. I thought maybe if I wish it so bad he will come then he would and it would put me into labor but NO DOESNT WORK PEOPLE! ok enough freaking out.
Norris and I are very excited to have this child brought into our family and cant wait to meet and love him. Oh i dyed my hair dark. Mommy hair i call it. pic to come!!!!!

Friday, January 30, 2015


So Lots has happened since my last post. I just wanted to document some things that are happening.

Jase is now 8 months old is breaking tooth #7. Is almost sleeping throughout the night. He goes back and forth. He walk up ones to comfort nurse. I am still nursing him which is going well. He is a very happy baby and loves to play with Tate and follow him around. 

Tate is now 2 year 4 months. He is getting old and talking so much now. He says sentences sometimes and it so smart. He is really into the iPad now and it just started like a week ago. He seriously could watch it all day but I don't let him. He is just like his dad and never gives up. He asks a million times a day. I get a little tired and need breaks from him but he is so funny and when he is happy i just love it. Thank goodness for his two hour naps still:) 

Norris is busy with this work and leaves around 6:30 and gets home at 6. He gets to play with the boys for a little when he gets home, then dinner, then bath and bed time for the babies. Then he gets on the computer or phone and has some downtime. He isn't loving his job and is looking to switch to something else. He is thinking of working with his dad again, doing tech work, or working with me. Only time will tell where are going career wise. Norris enjoys teaching is sunday school class on sundays he has the 12-13 year olds:) most of them are friends with Sierra. 

Me I am busy taking care of the little ones. Some days are relaxed and others are crazy. Depends on the mood of the kids and me:) Also depends on our schedules. They boys love to get out and do things. Cant wait for summer or warm constant weather. Its too cold to go out with babies. They always seem to be fitting off sicknesses or have runny noise this time of year so we try to stay in and het healthy just to get better and see the outside again and catch something else:/ Thank goodness for my oil though. We get to avoid the doctor these days and deal with it ourselves. I am busy with my oil businesses and teaching people. Right now I am teaching a city class every Wednesday night for 5 weeks, I do one one ones with ppl, and i do classes with my builders in there home or mine. Its a lot of work but defiantly paying off. I love teaching people and seeing change in their life. Brings me happiness. I also enjoy being the leader for the activity day girls 10-11 year old. ITs fun and not too demanding:) 

Here are some photos of us. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Baby Jase

Really fast I wanted to blog about our new addition Jase. He was born May 22nd at 3am weight 8 lbs and 21 inches. I had a harder pregnancy this time around and was in lots of pain towards the end. Deliver way very different than the first too. I was using my oils through my labor and then I decided to get an epidural everyone has to leave the room and that when things went south. I was to far along and they didn't check to see how fast dilated I was so they epidural did kick in till after Jase was born. I can't tell you how painful it was but it went fast thank goodness. I had a second degree tear again. Jase was very health and nursed right away. They let him lay on my for a good thirty minutes before they took him for tests. Recovered fast! Completely different than with Tate and recovery. I was sore for MONTHS!!!! Jase is a very sweet baby and is an angel. I prayed each night for a calm baby and my pray was answered. He sleeps great and nurses great too. He only really cries when hungry or a tummy ache. He puts up with Tate screaming and always kissing him. He is almost two months old now and smiles and is starting to giggle. So precious!!! I caught him sucking his thumb last night and its was so cute. I can't believe he is old enough for that. We moved into our house two weeks after he was born and Norris started his new job a week after he was born. So lots of changes for our family of four now. It has been a world wind that last month that is for sure but we are doing great thanks to my Father in Heaven and my family:)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sept & Oct Fun

We have been busy lately but we have been doing some fun stuff I wanted to post about.

In Sept & Oct we :

Went to the beach with my family! 

I got new workout shoes:)

Tate is getting so big

I got a massage table and Tate is testing it out.

 Tate LOVES the water:)

Made some yummy food.

More yummy food

Got to see the Newport temple b/c we had two nephews get baptized and a niece got blessed in the church building next door:)

Tates b-day getting frozen yogurt with his cousins. 

I got to attend General Conference (Saturday Morning Session) with Sophi and Stacy. 

Getting Tate ready for HAlloween 

Tate carries his blanket EVERYWHERE (just like his mommy when she was little) 

Tate getting fun toys for his b-day

My stud muffin

Driving with dad

Beach camping 

At the pumpkin patch checking out the animals and Tate didnt really care for the animals.

Running away from the goats.

Strong little man. 

Having fun at the pumpkin patch. 

El Capitan

So last week we went camping at El Capitan Beach in Santa Barbra. It was such a great week. The weather was great and the sun was always shine at the beach. I even went in and boggie boarded:) Tate was dirty most of the time from the dirt at our camp site but I got over it after the first 30 mins of being their. Tate loves the beach and just rommed around and enjoyed all the other kids to watch. He loves the water and loved playing in the water whole the kids made. Best time of year to go beach camping for sure. We had the beach to ourselves and the campgrounds too. Hate over crowded bathroom at campground so it was nice. So here are some pictures.

Tate Turned ONE!

So Tate turned ONE at the beginning of the month. Its been a little bit of a crazy month but I need to blog about my baby boy growing up. Its been too long since I have blogged. So we didn't really have an official b-day party for him but I felt like we celebrated enough. We did a one year photo shoot for him where I made him an oversized cupcake and he got to eat it. He got frozen yogurt the day of his b-day, and we went to Wokcano's to celebrate all the Oct b-day in the family and we sang to them.

So some of the things Tate likes to do these days: walk around and explore everything, eat lots of food all the time, take two good naps a day, loves to play with any type of water, try to talk all day long, gets into everything and makes a big mess, loves to be outside and play with rocks, and he loves to watch Baby Einstein still.

So I will have to say I am loving this stage so much more than the infant/new born stage. He just wasn't a happy infant and now he is. Now he does everything I expected him to do like laugh, smile, play on his own, sleep through the night, cry it out sometimes for naps, chill in his carseat, enjoy walks, and play with others. He didn't do like any of these things as an infant. So glad to be his mom and that I get to watch him grow each day. I love that I know him best and I can always tell what he needs (most of the time). It is very fulfilling. Happy B-day TATE! Hope you have a great healthy year.